... a system of morality based on the belief in the existence of a Supreme Being, the immortality of the soul, and the brotherhood of men; therefore, no atheist can be made a Mason.  It strives to teach a man the duty he owes to his God, to his country, to his family, to his neighbor, and to himself.  It inculcates the practice of every virtue and makes an extensive use of symbolism in its teachings.  It interferes with neither religion nor politics, but strives only after light and truth, endeavoring always to bring out the highest and noblest qualities of men.

Freemasonry has in all ages required that men should come to its door entirely of their own free will; not as the result of importunity nor from feelings of curiosity; but from a favorable opinion of the Institution, a desire for knowledge, and a sincere wish to be serviceable to their fellow creatures.

The Masonic Fraternity is in no sense an insurance society; neither does it pay benefits in case of sickness or death. In a correct and broad sense, it is both educational and charitable. It extends such assistance only as it is willing and able to grant. It knowingly admits none to membership except those who are able to provide for themselves and those dependent upon them. 


Your involvement in Freemasonry starts with simply asking to be considered for membership.  Our fraternity is open to responsible adult men (18 and above), of good character, with a belief in a Supreme Being, and without regard to religion, race, income, education, or political opinion.

As a first step, we encourage you to contact us to set up a time to meet at the Lodge, a nearby restaurant, or at your home to further discuss Freemasonry and answer any questions you might have.  Your spouse, friend, or parent is also encouraged to attend and even to tour the Lodge itself.

Next, you will complete a membership petition (see below).  Along with this petition will be an initiation fee and eventually you'll complete an online background check.  The Lodge Secretary will help you with this process, it is very easy.

From here, the Lodge will assign three existing members to reach out to you and ask a few more questions, all in an effort to get to know you more and for you to ensure our Lodge is the right fit for you.  At its next meeting, the Lodge will then vote on your petition.  If your petition is approved, you are on your way to becoming an Indiana Freemason with Glen Park Lodge No. 732!

Basic Indiana Freemason Membership Requirements


After you've met a few of us and we've answered any of your or your family's questions, you should be ready to complete a Petition - the "application" to join our fraternity.

Please download, complete, and return your Petition to a member or mail it to: 

Glen Park Lodge No. 732

113 Lincolnway

Valparaiso, IN 46383

Please continue reading below for more information about the process of becoming a Freemason.

Indiana Membership Petition Rev 06-21 Fill.pdf


You will be conducted through three degrees (initiation ceremonies) for your education and enjoyment.  These ceremonies are very dignified and inspirational.  At no time will horseplay or indignities enter into the program.  These degrees are very solemn, and Masons take the task of making Masons very seriously.  After becoming a Master Mason (the third degree of the Lodge), you will be entitled to all of the rights and benefits of full membership in the fraternity.  You will be able to participate in all of our ceremonies and activities, serve as an Officer, and you may seek membership in the many other Masonic-related groups, as well.  These are often referred to as appendant bodies.  Examples include Shriner's International, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Order of the Eastern Star, and many more!

This process of going through the degrees starts with the Entered Apprentice degree, then moves to the Fellow Craft degree, and concludes with the Master Mason degree.  This typically takes anywhere from 3-9 months, based on your motivation, availability, and the Lodge schedule.  The entire journey is very rewarding and will help you get to know the brothers of Glen Park Lodge!

Glen Park Lodge No. 732

113 Lincolnway

Valparaiso, IN 46383